Elon Musk Takes a Desperate Swing at Threads Newfound Popularity, report says

On July 13, Twitter fulfilled its promise made by Elon Musk to its content creators and introduced an ad-sharing update. This development came as a response to the emergence of a strong competitor, Mark Zuckerberg’s Threads, which quickly amassed over 100 million users within a week of its launch.

Musk aimed to highlight the advantages of Twitter over Threads, emphasizing its balanced platform compared to what he referred to as the “false happiness” of Meta’s platforms.

Musk, in a tweet, stated that the revenue payout to content creators would be cumulative from his initial promise in February. Within the next 72 hours, Twitter creators can expect to see their share of ad revenue deposited into their bank accounts, as mentioned in an email sent by Twitter and shared by several influential Twitter accounts.

The email expressed Twitter’s delight in sharing a portion of the ads revenue generated from creators’ tweet replies, emphasizing their commitment to enabling creators to benefit from their posts.

In June, Musk provided a glimpse of the upcoming ad-sharing feature, mentioning that the initial block payment would amount to $5 million. He also clarified that only verified creators who receive ads served to verified users would be eligible for this program.

According to a screenshot shared by Twitter Daily News on July 12, eligibility for the ad-sharing program depends on two factors. Firstly, content creators must have a Twitter Blue subscription, and secondly, they need to have achieved 5 million or more tweet impressions each month for the last three months.

The introduction of ad-sharing on Twitter represents a significant step towards empowering content creators and rewarding them for their contributions. By sharing a portion of the ads revenue, Twitter aims to incentivize creators and enable them to monetize their content effectively.

This move aligns with the broader trend in social media platforms, where platforms are recognizing the value and impact of user-generated content and taking measures to support their creators.

The decision to require a Twitter Blue subscription and a substantial tweet impressions threshold reflects the platform’s intention to reward active and influential creators who have a substantial reach and engagement. By associating the ad-sharing program with a subscription-based service, Twitter encourages creators to invest in additional features and benefits while promoting its premium offering.

Overall, Twitter’s rollout of the ad-sharing update fulfills Elon Musk’s promise to content creators. This move underscores Twitter’s commitment to providing a balanced platform and supporting its user base.

By enabling creators to benefit from their posts, Twitter aims to foster a vibrant ecosystem of content creation and further solidify its position in the face of competition from emerging platforms.

This update from Twitter signifies the platform’s recognition of the growing importance of content creators and their ability to drive engagement and user activity. By implementing the ad-sharing program, Twitter acknowledges the value that creators bring to the platform and aims to foster a mutually beneficial relationship.

The timing of this update is significant, considering the rise of Threads as a competitor to Twitter. Threads’ rapid user acquisition posed a challenge for Twitter, prompting the platform to respond with measures to retain its creators and emphasize the unique advantages it offers.

Elon Musk, known for his influential presence on Twitter, has been instrumental in highlighting these advantages and promoting Twitter as a more balanced alternative to Meta’s platforms.

The promise of cumulative revenue payout demonstrates Twitter’s commitment to supporting its creators over an extended period. By considering the timeframe from Musk’s initial announcement in February, Twitter ensures that creators will not miss out on any potential earnings. This approach instills confidence among content creators and reinforces Twitter’s dedication to fulfilling its promises.

The email sent to creators, which confirmed the imminent deposit of ad-share revenue into their bank accounts, further solidifies Twitter’s commitment. The language used in the email reflects Twitter’s appreciation for its creators and their contributions.

By explicitly stating that the ad-share revenue is a step toward the goal of enabling creators to benefit from their posts, Twitter showcases its focus on fostering a sustainable and rewarding ecosystem for content creation.

Eligibility for the ad-sharing program, as revealed in the screenshot shared by Twitter Daily News, is tied to two specific criteria. Firstly, creators must have a Twitter Blue subscription, which aligns with Twitter’s strategy of promoting its premium offering. This requirement encourages creators to invest in additional features and services, creating a sense of exclusivity and value.

Secondly, the threshold of 5 million tweet impressions per month for the past three months highlights Twitter’s emphasis on active and influential creators. This criterion ensures that the ad-sharing program rewards creators who have consistently engaged and resonated with a large audience, ultimately driving higher ad revenue. It also incentivizes creators to strive for increased reach and engagement, contributing to the overall vibrancy of the platform.

In conclusion, Twitter’s rollout of the ad-sharing update is a strategic move to retain and support its content creators amidst growing competition. By fulfilling Elon Musk’s promise and implementing this program, Twitter acknowledges the importance of creators in driving user engagement and aims to provide them with a platform that values their contributions.

Through revenue sharing and eligibility criteria, Twitter seeks to incentivize creators, foster a sustainable content ecosystem, and differentiate itself from emerging competitors. As the program takes effect, content creators on Twitter can look forward to a more rewarding experience and further opportunities for monetization.

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Information Source: TheStreet

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