Edward Snowden Questions Elon Musk After Twitter Bans Wife’s Pic With Baby

Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has claimed in a series of tweets to billionaire Elon Musk that Twitter has suspended his wife’s account from the microblogging platform.

In a tweet, he informed that his wife, Lindsay Mill’s account had been disabled because of a picture of them holding their naked baby.

The picture was taken a few years ago. However, the image goes against Twitter’s policies against the promotion of nudity and adult pornography.

Sharing the picture, Mr. Snowden wrote, ”Twitter just locked my wife @lsjourneys ‘s account for an ancient baby photo that even *spineless Instagram* had no problem with. Do parents need to worry? Are baby butts, happy bath photos, etc. banworthy now?”

In another tweet, he questioned the Twitter boss Elon Musk and sought an explanation.

He wrote, “Does this look like pornography to you, @ElonMusk? If you have a machine handing out bans for pictures that could be on a Hallmark Card, it’s time to dial back the algorithm. Just my opinion.”

People in the comments section were divided about the picture, with some saying they had no problem with it while others said the picture should not have been posted on a public account as it could be misused.

Many people also said that they did not find the picture worth banning.

One user wrote, “Given that predators sometimes share child abuse material that involves infants, your wife’s photo was probably caught in a wide net to remove that material.” Through manual appeal I am sure he will be reinstated. No system is perfect.

Another commented, ”I don’t see anything inappropriate about this photo AND I don’t feel like it merits shutting down someone’s account-but I feel like it might have also been more appropriately shared with a small group of just her family and close friends, perhaps via a text message or similar.”

In its Sensitive Media Policy, Twitter states, ”You may not post media that is graphic or share violent or adult nudity and sexual behaviour within the live video or in profile header, List banner images, or Community cover photos.”

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Information Source: NDTV

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