Evolution of Video Games – Past, Present, and Future

Evolution of Video Games – Past, Present, and Future: We all have played sports at some point in our lives. It is the addictive nature of these graphical computer simulations that are sometimes so realistic, some of us don’t even realize there is an outside world.

Not to forget, some players have earned millions by playing different games. But sometimes developers take video games lightly – cyberpunk. Jokes aside – in general, video game development in the past few years has been phenomenal, largely thanks to the exponential growth in computing power and overwhelming support from the community.

History of Video Games

First, let’s look at the early years of development in the gaming industry… The first recognized example of a game machine was unveiled by Dr. Edward Uhler Condon at the New York World’s Fair in 1940.

The game, based on the ancient mathematical game of Nim, was played by approximately 50,000 people during six months of exposure, with the computer reportedly winning more than 90% of the games.

However, the first game systems designed for commercial home use didn’t appear until nearly three decades later, when Ralph Baer and his team released their prototype, the “Brown Box,” in 1967.

The “brown box” was a vacuum tube circuit that could be attached to a television set and allowed two users to control cubes chasing each other on a screen. The “brown box” can be programmed to play a variety of games, including ping pong, checkers, and four sports games.

The late 1970s and early 1980s experienced an impressive boom in the popularity of arcade gaming, leading to serious commercial success. Notably, the release of Space Invaders for the arcade system in 1978 marked a new dawn for games.

The arcades were filling up with players, and some serious money was coming in. After quarters of millions earned by Space Invaders, it won’t be long until a successor to the most played arcade game Mantle is once again taken over by a new one. claimant

It was in the form of beloved “Pac-Man”. In addition to the popularity of gaming consoles in commercial centers and chain restaurants in the US, personal computers arrived in the early 1970s and mass-produced gaming consoles became a reality.

Technological advances such as Intel’s invention of the world’s first microprocessor led to games such as Gunfight in 1975, the first example of a multiplayer human-to-human combat shooter.

The NES was the best-selling console-making game from 1985 to 1995. In 1987, Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda. The Nintendo Entertainment System literally established Nintendo as a household name.

They doubled down and released their follow-up console, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, in 1990. This is where Nintendo dominated the game market.

On the other side of the aisle, Sony developed the first major disc-based console, the PlayStation, in 1994. PlayStation introduced games such as Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VIII, and Silent Hill.

These titles include extensive, impactful cutscenes, often including recorded dialogue. Games were getting closer and closer to being like a movie. The stories were able to be more intense, moodier, and more atmospheric.

A game like Silent Hill would never succeed on any system other than PlayStation. atmosphere, sound, graphics; Everyone hit the mark at the right place and time. The variety and graphical powerhouse of consoles made a lasting impact on gaming at the time.

In 1996, the Nintendo 64, (named for 64-bit processing) was released to great fanfare. All your favorite Nintendo characters were now in fully realized 3D. One highlight was Super Mario 64.

Not to be outdone, Sony just released its best-selling console of all time: the PlayStation 2. Released in 2000, the PS2 has sold over 150 million units.

This console gave us hits like Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, and our all-time favorite Grand Theft Auto games.

Then comes the ‘Almighty Microsoft’, they blew everyone away in the 2000s by releasing their first console, the Xbox. With blockbuster hits like Halo revolutionary multiplayer, Microsoft was not to be tinkered with. After big players like Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft joined the gaming industry, they never slowed down.

So what does the modern age of gaming have in store for us? Well, everything (given that you can find a graphics card).

Today’s Video Games

Today we are looking at games with ultra-realistic graphics, an example could be Metro Exodus-2, Red Dead Redemption-2, and of course, we can’t forget Cyberpunk.

Today’s computers can handle almost everything you throw at them. Plus thanks to AMD, we’re back in the CPU competition again, which is really giving computing power a big boost.

Not only this, our smartphones are also becoming a means of playing games and having fun. Popular games like Pubg-g and cod mobile are gaining a lot of popularity on touchscreen devices.

But even then, we’re not entirely convinced that our handheld devices actually have enough computing power to give us a PC or console-like experience in gaming. Even game streaming is becoming quite popular after the pandemic (you got the idea – GPUs).

Future of Video Games

Now, what does the future hold for us? Well, general advances in technology and more realistic graphics are the way to go for PC or console gaming.

Well, we can all stream the entire game on one server but it may not be for everyone as latency is always an issue. Some of us like to think that mobile is everything in the future. Well, that’s a good argument – Kinda – but it may not be true.

As stated earlier, mobile gaming lacks real immersion. Also according to a recent VentureBeat article, mobile gaming is already seeing its first slowdown. Revenue growth has slowed, and the cost of doing business and distribution costs have risen dramatically over the years.

then what else? Well, we have a feeling that virtual reality in the future will be like the gaming PCs of today. Yes, VR has pros and cons, but when you think about it, we, as humans, generally like the things that have the most immersion and the one thing that VR can do best. That is immersiveness.

But don’t worry VR won’t replace your PC, but it will definitely become a daily tool for you to switch on and play games.


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Information Source: Youtube – DiscoverZen

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