5 Insane Reasons “Why Tesla Phone Is Genius?” – Model Pi

5 Insane Reasons “Why Tesla Phone Is Genius?” – Model Pi: No one can deny that Elon Musk is a uniquely enterprising person. Ideas for business and technological innovations just keep pouring out of his mind. His ideas dabble in vehicles, space, and satellites just to mention some, but what is the next big thing?

Join us as we explore how he’s going to turn the phone industry upside down with his “Tesla Model Pi” and the reasons why this phone will be a “must-buy”.

Tesla Phone

According to reports, Tesla, a US-based electric vehicle manufacturer, is expected to “officially” introduce the Model Pi phone later this year. It’s unclear when this will happen, but the tech rumor mill is buzzing with Pi rumors.

In September, devdiscourse.com reported: “2021 did not pass by Elon Musk. Every day in search engines, people ask the same question – Is Tesla releasing a phone? Yes, we will see Elon Musk’s smartphone soon.”

Another source, the Chinese edition of MyDrivers, said that the phone would be called ‘Model Pi’ but did not say whether or not this was the final name. Experts believe that when the smartphone is released, it will usher in a true technological revolution.

Competitors’ sales are expected to plummet, according to smartphone market analysts. Industry analysts and speculators are under the impression that the development of a phone would be part of a ‘to-do’ list because of the philosophy regarding technology held by Elon Musk.

He believes firmly in the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, and a phone to go along with the various kinds of products he has been directing his ventures to produce would help greatly in that aim.

The IoT concept basically proposes the interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated electronic devices under a unifying system so that you can enjoy full automation and seamless task assignment to any device that you own.

One could definitely see how a phone directly connected to your car or your internet connection device could help to that effect, and this is the kind of thing that a Tesla phone would tackle as one of its primary objectives.

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy One If It Comes Out

1. Striking and innovative design

Antonio De Rosa, Tesla’s smartphone designer, is a professional who has generated intriguing designs for Apple devices. The phone was designed using a similar design language used in the Tesla Model 3, and Tesla Model S.

Many technology analysts have noted that the Tesla Model Pi resembles an iPhone 12. In contrast, others have drawn parallels between it and older smartphones with a slightly more rounded design.

The smartphone has a few distinct design features. Such as a casing with a color-changing covering. How? Scientists have constructed a photochromic covering that shimmers with diverse colors upon contact with different intensities of sunshine.

2. Powerful camera

The front camera is not visible in the video depiction of a presentation made by De Rosa. The front camera is expected to be placed beneath the display, according to experts. The developers are also planning to include a solar panel for charging. The designer opted to put the corporate logo and the model’s name on the back panel.

What about the camera? Well, it may boast a whopping 108-megapixel camera! That’s definitely one to look out for.

3. Processing efficiency, storage, and exceptional connectivity

It will be powered by a Snapdragon 898 SoC chip, and up to 2TB of flash storage. It is also believed to be able to connect to the Starlink satellite and has solar charging technologies built-in.

Apart from satellite connections, the Model Pi is likely to have WiFi, 5G, and potentially even “neural link connection” technology, Elon Musk’s famed “brain chip,” which helps to link and transfer information between the brain, people, and phones, as well as other sophisticated technologies.

4. Built-in support for cryptocurrency mining

Users will reportedly be able to mine Marscoin cryptocurrency on their cellphones, which is rumored to be a signature type of cryptocurrency Musk hopes to develop for eventual users of his Mars colony. As a result, users will be able to mine virtual money on their phones.

The phone will also be able to sync with other Tesla phones and devices without any issues. Musk has been vocal over the years in his support and belief in cryptocurrency technology, with its repertoire of advantages and features over traditional paper money.

One can hardly fault him for taking this stance, as technology has touched and improved countless aspects of daily life over the decades, with the clear exception of money which is a vital everyday commodity that underpins our very systems of living.

He is clear on having a cryptocurrency for off-planet living as paper money would be hard to use there. Releasing Marscoin with a signature Tesla phone early on seems like a good way to get it ready with improvements by the time comes for it to be used on Mars.

5. Robust security features

The Starlink project is currently under beta testing, with the network only available in certain areas. Elon Musk intends to build the network internationally as soon as possible.

Experts have uncovered a huge flaw in the Starlink satellite Internet system, which allows hackers to easily intercept Starlink communications. Elon Musk revealed that the company had created its own unique technique for encrypting customer data, which would be used end-to-end.

These two factors, he believes, will ensure people’s safety. The Turla hackers, on the other hand, were successful in intercepting the traffic. They employed a way of hacking satellite channels using the DVB-S protocol, after which malicious applications were introduced, and attacks commenced.

If you want to connect to Starlink using a smartphone, you’ll need more serious security. You might, for example, utilize a VPN that does not track your activities. VPN benefits, according to experts, are numerous.

The Model Pi can reasonably be expected to come default with options for VPN and encryption as leaving this vulnerability open will seriously endanger the entire system and user experience, allowing hackers to damage Starlink, Tesla vehicle infrastructure, and more.

Stage Set For Success If it is released, the Tesla Model Pi smartphone will not be the first satellite phone, as successful satellite phone businesses such as Thuraya, Iridium, and Inmarsat have done it before with stunning success.

It would, however, be the first satellite phone compatible with StarLink, Space X’s under-construction global communications satellite constellation meant to bring high-speed internet to even the most distant parts of the planet.

The latency of a low-earth orbit satellite is substantially reduced, and it is predicted to achieve upload/download rates of 200 Mbps. Tesla is no longer an oddity in the auto industry, having been the first automaker to surpass $1 trillion in market capitalization and the fastest to do so.

However, many experts believe that its journey is only beginning since AI-driven Robotaxis has the potential to transform the way people travel, resulting in the creation of a new multi-trillion-dollar market.

Tesla’s near-bottomless cash troves can effortlessly finance the design, development, and mass production of the Model Pi to the extent where they can potentially blow all the satellite phone giants out of the water with the significantly lower purchase and operating costs, even giving consumer phone companies like Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and Xiaomi a serious run for their money.

That’s what we mean when we say that Tesla can completely overturn the smartphone market. Tesla’s engineers and scientists are also more than capable of seeing the product make the final run through to success.

It will simply create a completely new market sector, such as a true-to-form satellite phone that can mine cryptocurrency everywhere, including on Mars, where standard WiFi or 5G connections are unavailable.

If they want to go further, though, they will drag the rest of the consumer smartphone market into the satellite connectivity age kicking and screaming. During normal times, most sat mobile telephone networks are near to capacity, and big spikes in call numbers induced by broad emergencies sometimes overload the systems when they are most needed.

The 1999 Izmit earthquake, the September 11 attacks, the 2006 Kiholo Bay earthquake, the 2003 Northeast blackouts, Hurricane Katrina, the 2007 Minnesota bridge collapse, the 2010 Chile earthquake, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake are only a few examples mentioned in the media.

Reporters and journalists have also used satellite phones in combat zones such as Iraq to communicate and report on events. One would not have to think hard to identify a demand and supply problem easily solvable by the Tesla Model Pi.

Release: The exact date of its publication is a tightly kept secret. A smartphone that can connect to the internet at fast speeds from any place would be enticing to own since it eliminates the requirement for a terrestrial connection.

With such secrecy, we’re left to wonder exactly what kind of magic announcement Musk wants to save for us. Expect to see something come out next year, once Tesla is finished getting over its current pressing issues with the production of the Model X, alongside fully finishing the construction of its Gigafactories.

Alternatively, an announcement may be delayed until Starlink reaches a satisfactory progress point. Well, Tesla themselves have still not come out with an official statement or announcement.

However, the sheer number of different sources with alleged insider sources talking about it makes it extremely likely. For a product that is still unreleased, there seems to be quite a lot of information about it floating on the net.


Thanks for reading till the end. Comment what’s your opinion about this information “5 Insane Reasons “Why Tesla Phone Is Genius?” – Model Pi”.

Also Read:

Information Source: Youtube – Elon Musk Live

5 thoughts on “5 Insane Reasons “Why Tesla Phone Is Genius?” – Model Pi”

  1. Moving forward in technology is so important because we have to advance. It really is that important. We have to start making this place
    ( where ever we live and the communications in it) better for the species. It real is time to move forward publicly. I think we can handle it now. Something new and exciting that can help with human communication. Man… I can imagine it will have some bumps along the way but if we do our homework right, it will be amazing. Just have to make sure it’s mathematically correct as far as safety. They will get there. We are an amazing species and we can do anything.


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