Elon Musk Unveils 5 NEW Tesla Giga Factories of $10 Billion Dollar

Elon Musk Unveils 5 NEW Tesla Giga Factories of $10 BILLION Dollar: Tesla, a chief player in the automobile industry is excelling at a fantastic pace. Elon always went out of the box to help Tesla in achieving insane milestones.

They primarily focus on strategies and plans of action, Tesla team is really planning something distinct that will blow up our minds. This is evident through their strategy to unfurl its boundaries all over the world by constructing massive 5 Giga factories.

Not one, two, or three, but they are intending to establish 5 Giga factories. Though there will be some hurdles that they need to pass so that their plan will be successful for building huge 5 Giga Factories.

The first European Giga factory has been lined up in Tesla’s plan since 2019. One of the most awaited Berlin GigaFactory is a tremendous German Gigafactory that is in development for almost two years now.

This Giga factory has not only proven to be fruitful for Tesla but this led to boosting up in job opportunities for locals. The latest development in Europe by high-profile CEO Elon Musk is a vital step in Tesla’s future. It will play a significant role in 2022 for Tesla’s success and additionally, this has created a one-in-lifetime opportunity for the locals of Germany.

The construction work is almost done for Berlin Gigafactory and is ready to kick start the production for Tesla Model. The factory was expected to start its manufacturing anytime in the year 2021. However, they missed the deadlines to initiate the manufacturing at Berlin Gigafactory because of some local concerns.

Tesla and the team faced issues regarding some environmental factors and they were fined heavily by the local government authorities. It was revealed that they have not adhered to rules and regulations during construction activities like they cut down many trees and that created a problem for native animals and their livelihoods.

The team was also charged for using extra water for construction activities. Though they reduced the water usage per car with time as they acknowledged its significance as a scarce resource. All these hurdles and local problems are very miniature in front of this massive and vital Berlin Gigafactory.

CNBC news stated that they are highly optimistic for Tesla and its bright future in the automobile industry. This is all because of the insane demand by the customers for uniquely manufactured Electric Vehicles by Tesla and the team.

The full-fledged manufacturing in Berlin Gigafactory will probably start in 2022. However, the first quarter will not be a smooth one and it might take almost a year long to settle down and build a smooth roadmap for swift manufacturing. The delays in the decision to start the Berlin GigaFactory can be bad news for Europe but definitely good news for the UK.

The prime minister of Brexit Boris Johnson once stated his thoughts for a green industrial revolution. This plan will soon be in execution by the government authorities of Brexit, and this will perfectly fit Elon’s interest in the UK to build a Gigafactory.

Elon’s interest was communicated by a government official Kwasi Kwarteng who was highly in favor of Elon and his plan. He stated, “Elon Musk is interested in the UK, and the reason why it is a fantastic place to invest in that technology. He wants to invest in gigafactories to be a part of that green revolution. I think frankly since we formally left the EU, we have seen that this country is more than capable of standing on its two feet and being a world leader. It’s a fantastic opportunity, and it’s very exciting.”

Now it’s officially declared that developments in the UK are attracting major automobile companies like Tesla. Even some sources revealed that Elon a few months back was interested in a smart campus site called Gravity. Tesla CEO’s private jet was also spotted at the London Airport.

After a point, the focus was shifted from the UK’s Gravity plot to Berlin Gigafactories. But now some sources revealed that Tesla is planning to construct a huge Gigafactory at Gravity. This is mainly because Tesla wants to outshine rivals like Nissan who are growing at a great pace in the UK.

The next focus of rolling out their manufacturing unit is in Asia. A tweet from the space guy questioned, “@elonmusk Will you expand @Tesla mega factories in Asia outside China?” To which Elon confirmed, “Yeah, but first, we need to finish Giga Berlin and a second US Giga to serve the eastern half of North America.”

If this is the exact scenario with the plan of actions for setting up Giga factories then they will surely be planning to set up a huge manufacturing unit in Asia. From sources, it was revealed that China is a chosen location for setting up a Gigafactory in Asia.

Setting up a Gigafactory in Japan is really a worthy deal as it is not only nearby to other factories in China but most importantly it is engaged in manufacturing valuable battery cells. A recent report stating Tesla and Panasonic shaking hands for new battery cells drive this Japan Giga factory a more worthy deal.

Panasonic and Teslas working together is a fair one as they both aim to serve the massive demand goals. Panasonic was a key supporter in building, funding, and now operates Tesla’s first Gigafactory.

Officially they announced that Panasonic and Tesla have signed a ‘2021 Pricing Contract’ of the SEC. Japan has its official Twitter page for Tesla and a customized featured page for Tesla and its varied models.

Tesla is a dominant player in the entire EV market but not a significant player in Japan. Japan is one of the hubs of the automobile industry, though Tesla is lagging behind Japan’s automobile industry. This is because Japan’s policies cannot persist any foreign rivals dominating their country.

However, according to the facts and figures of 2019, 90% of the EVs that were imported in Japan were Tesla models. Though they added up to only around 1300 units of Tesla, so this says if the EV market is in talks Tesla is the one who will lead the industry.

Tesla was one of the first EV companies to enter Japan’s automobile industry in 2010. Elon appreciates the automobile market of Japan and states it as a ‘market for Roadsters’. He committed that Tesla never sacrifices performance, engineering, and design.

To survive in any of the markets a company has to face rivals and should strategize in the way it outperforms the competitors. Toyota is one powerful rival for Tesla, the manufacturing and sales of Toyota cars are at the next level when compared with Teslas. But things can turn upside down with a GigaFactory in Japan.

Not only in Japan, China, Germany, UK, but we also have South Korea on Tesla’s radar for building the Gigafactory. In South Korea also Tesla dominates the EV sector imports, the number of units sold in South Korea is high when compared with Japan.

The basic aim for setting up a Gigafactory in South Korea is its massive battery cell production units. It is known as one of the best quality battery cell production countries, and the majority of the well-known companies have their units in South Korea.

Though the EVs are not that famous in South Korea after Tesla enters the market, the EV sector may revolutionize and finally shoot up. The next country Elon has an eye on is India! The EV market is still at the developing stage in India, reports revealed that Elon is planning to set up a production unit in Karnataka.

This is a hub for global technologies, and even government officials are supporting the growth of the EV market in the country. The first step by Tesla is to start the sales of Tesla models in India and further if everything falls in place they can plan a production unit.

Elon is a tech guy that believes in taking all together and revolutionizing the world keeping in mind the environmental factors. Some of the projects like the Berlin Gigafactory will soon kick start its production and next we have the Gigafactory in the US.

Tesla always thinks out of the box and so is the reason why the company has been a leader in the EV automobile sector for a while now! These projects turn out to be true then Tesla will be victorious like never before!

And even it will climb the graphs and amaze all its shareholders and believers. So what do you think? Does Tesla have the potential to grow globally at a good pace? Will Tesla keep on dominating the EV industry? Let us know your views and opinions in the comments!


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Information Source: Youtube – E-Motion

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