What Would Happen If We Fall Into A Black Hole?

What Would Happen If We Fall Into A Black Hole?: Hi Guys, How are you all? Today we are going to read about “What would happen if we fall into a black hole?”. So be ready for this extremely informative journey, so let’s start.

What would happen if we fall into a black hole?

How much do you know about black holes? What would happen if we fall into one? It is said that one day you were looking for a new planet for humans to live in space, but a black hole came in front and decided – why not investigate it?

Despite being “black” and “hole”, a black hole is not a dark, empty space. In the theory of relativity, Einstein predicted how black holes are formed.

When a giant star dies, it leaves a small, remaining core behind. If the mass of the core is at least three times larger than the mass of our Sun, then gravity overwhelms all other forces and transforms the core into a black hole.

But don’t let its name fool you, but rather a huge amount packed in a very small space. Think of the Sun with its gravitational field which is 28 times stronger than the Earth. If you were to walk on the Sun, you would be 28 times heavier on Earth.

Now imagine squeezing four suns that are just 24 km in diameter, the distance you can cover in a 30-minute drive.

How do we see the black hole?

What will gravity be like there? The gravity of a black hole is so strong that even light cannot exit. Therefore you will never see. But you can find out by the gamma-ray burst that the black hole emits.

This burst was discovered by Stephen Hawking. He himself believed that black holes could be pathways to another universe. So if you fall into one, will you find yourself in an alternate dimension?

Every black hole has an event horizon, at which point the gravitational pull becomes so strong that you cannot escape it. If you find yourself outside that point, you will see that the stars are twisted around a perfect circle of darkness.

As you begin to fall towards the black hole, you will move faster and faster with the force of gravity. This is the first bad news for you, brave astronaut.

The gravitational force of a black hole is very, very strong. If your feet fall first, then your feet will be feeling a stronger gravitational stretch than your head. Your body will fall apart.

What if you fell into a stellar black hole?

The most common black hole is called “stellar”. They can stretch about 15 km and can be as heavy as 20 suns. If you happened to be drawn towards a stellar black hole, you would have completely exploded before reaching the event horizon. So be sure to select a supermassive.

The one that is one million times heavier than our Sun. In this state, your body will remain motionless until you cross the event horizon because gravity will be pulling your feet and your head with almost equal force. And if you’re wondering where to find you – you don’t have to look very far.

There’s one right at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Fortunately, it is 265 kilometers away from us and will suck neither the sun nor the planets. But don’t pack your suitcase yet – crossing the event horizon is just the beginning of the challenge.

What will happen if we reach the center of the black hole?

There is a gravitational singularity at the center of the black hole, where the matter density becomes infinite. You will enter that center and become one with a black hole. You will not be able to tell anyone about your experience.

However, a person who is looking at you outside the horizon will see a very different picture. When you were falling into a black hole, they were slowing you down and becoming red. Finally, you will just freeze, never crossing the event horizon.

This is happening because of space and time interchange their roles in a black hole. At the event horizon, a pause time arrives, while on the other hand, space moves forward. You will not be able to get out of the black hole and travel back over time.

Even when the black hole eventually died, emitting all the particles it absorbed (including your body), it would be impossible to tell if those particles were you.

However, Stephen Hawking finds a way in which information about your body will not be lost. He said that there are alternate universes with different histories. That means, in reality, you fell into a black hole. In the second, there was no black hole.

It is impossible to be certain from outside the event horizon whether you are a black hole or not until you arrive there. If you have crossed the event horizon and there is a black hole … Sayonara … but if you have been in a reality where the black hole did not exist, you will still be alive. Just in a different universe.

There will be no way for you to come back to us. Would you dare to explore the possibility? Are you ready for the black hole and the universe? Very soon we will take you on your next fantasy adventure.


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