What if the Perseverance Mars Mission Succeeds – Nasa

What if the Perseverance Mars Mission Succeeds: Hi Guys, How are you all. Today we are going to read “What if the Perseverance Mars Mission succeeds”. So be ready for this extremely informative journey, without wasting our time Let’s Start.

Mars mission to discover alien life

Just north of the Martian equator is a 45 km (28 mi) wide impact pit that scientists believe would have been the location of an ancient lake. At the Jazero Crater, scientists prove that its frozen soil may be mankind’s most important discovery.

On February 18, 2021, NASA’s Perseverance Rover began searching this pit to find out if we were truly alone. As Scientific Americans say, “It would be a near miracle for Mars to become sterile.” NASA astronomer Chris McKay believes that Earth and Mars have been sharing material for billions of years. Like using your roommate’s spice rack.

Comets or large meteorites coming to Earth can also send debris to Mars. A small portion of this debris on Mars can carry the same microbes that kickstart life on Earth. But what would this alien look like?

Many scientists agree that any life we ​​can find on Mars must be incredibly strong. With the combination of radiation and freezing temperatures on Mars, can any lifesaver survive such a harsh environment? As far as it sounds, microbiologists have discovered many organisms that thrive in extreme environments.

For Example, Tardigrade, or water bear, can withstand heat, cold, pressure, radiation, and even complete lack of oxygen. There are also some types of bacteria on Earth that produce spores rapidly when faced with dangerous conditions.

Drilling on Mars for alien life

A team of more than 1,000 geologists, chemists, physicists, and biologists worldwide have drilled 4.8 km (3 mi) into the Earth and discovered a strong lifeline. Mars has a geological past similar to that of Earth. Therefore looking underground can be a great place.

By drilling into the Jezero Crate, we can encounter spores associated with relatively recent geological eras. And on future missions on Mars, we can dig deeper and fully uncover vegetative germs.

To find rock samples that can support life, NASA’s Perseverance Rover uses an array of lasers, called SuperCam. It can study the surface of Mars at some distance. One of the lasers will heat the rock sample and evaporate it. It forms a plasma that can be analyzed to understand its fundamental composition.

Another laser will know which compounds are in the dirt. If SuperCam detects some high concentration organic compound like phosphorus and nitrogen, then rover will head for a closer look. It will then scan the soil in more detail to detect any organic material hidden in the dirt.

The NASA team on Earth has shot only one to choose the right location to collect these samples. With limited space to the rover, only a few dozen samples can be collected. So no pressure, and uh, fingers crossed. If all goes well,  NASA plans to bring back samples known for preserving biosignatures on Earth.

Biosignatures are faint molecular marks left behind by microbes billions of years ago. Once the samples were collected, NASA and the European Space Agency planned two missions to return them to Earth. It consists of blasting tubes of rock and soil samples in orbit collected by another spacecraft and then returned to Earth.

What if the Perseverance Mars Mission succeeds

If the mission of perseverance is successful, the search for life on Mars will be just as spectacular as the discovery of DNA. Copernicus boldly shook the whole of humanity with his theory that the planets orbited the Sun in 1543. Their discoveries completely changed our worldview, no longer placing the Earth at the center of the universe.

Exploring life beyond the earth can be equally powerful. But not getting any life could raise many more questions. Is Earth really special? Are we alone here? Even if we do not search for life, these Martian rock samples will allow chemists to study geochemistry, mineralogy, and basic bedrock materials of Mars. This can provide us with the necessary insight into the climate history of Mars and can also help us to better understand the Earth’s climate.

An experiment indicated that Martian soil tested positive for metabolism. And it suggests to us that the presence of life can be there. But in another related experiment, no organic material was detected.

Although most scientists have not collected conflicting results, the general consensus is that there is no conclusive evidence of life on Mars. But many researchers disagree. Recent discoveries of terrestrial microorganisms that survive outside the ISS indicate that life may be sufficiently resilient to Mars. And methane in Martin’s atmosphere may be a sign of microbial methanogens, a type of microorganism that produces a significant amount of methane.

What will be the condition of alien life on mars

Stinky alien. Keep in mind, it is possible that there is no perfect state of life on Mars. Or maybe it died of an extinction event similar to an asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs. Or it is also possible that we end up finding the life out of many of our rovers that were accidentally brought to Mars.

Hopefully, this Perseverance mission will not turn into a $ 2.7 billion facepalm. If Mars is your bag, have you ever thought of setting up shop there? With recent developments in rocketry, colonization of Mars may be possible in our lifetime. You better strap on because this is the story for another day.

Thanks for reading till the end. Comment what’s your opinion about this post “What if the Perseverance Mars Mission succeeds“.

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