Elon Musk LAST WARNING: “Tonga Was Just The Beginning!”

Elon Musk LAST WARNING: “Tonga Was Just The Beginning!”: On January 15, 2022, the unthinkable happened. A volcanic eruption rocked the Pacific Islands nation of Tonga. It was so powerful that it blasted ash way up into the Earth’s mesosphere, 36 miles away from the earth’s surface.

The volcanic plume that resulted was the highest captured by satellite. Luckily, the magnitude of this volcanic eruption was recorded by two weather satellites that happened to be in the right place at the right time: the volcanic eruption affected countries like Japan, Samoa, Peru, Fiji, and Tonga.

The richest man on the planet, Elon Musk, has been urging humanity to think about settling on another planet. He says before planet earth is destroyed, we have to find a settlement on Mars.

The recent volcanic eruption in Tonga should be proof that it might be time for us to start looking at having a home on another planet, becoming a multi-planetary species. In today’s video, we’ll be talking about the recent volcanic eruption in Tonga and how it will help Elon Musk fulfill his dream of colonizing the red planet Mars.

Elon Musk is planning to build a city on Mars very soon. He firmly believes that humans need to go interstellar before it becomes too late. This time around, when Musk expressed his wish about the colonization of Mars, he went into detail about the timelines and vehicle requirements needed to reach Mars and to set up a sustainable base.

This base would serve as an actual city and support a local population. Musk is very confident about the colonization of Mars. According to him, we would land on Mars by 2026. The idea of setting up a colony on Mars is of interest to many parties.

Space scientists and experts are investigating all possibilities with several Mars missions. Why is Musk seeking to build a base on Mars? Since 1975, the only things that have made it to the surface of the red planet are rockets and satellites, but Musk and SpaceX are looking to change that.

In April 2022, one of SpaceX’s rockets successfully took four astronauts to space. After this success, Musk stated, “we don’t want to be one of those single-planet species; we want to be a multi-planetary species.”

In an interview with Kara Swisher at the Code conference in 2021, Musk revealed his space plans, including the self-sustaining city on Mars and a base on the moon for those who want to travel there. Swisher threw a question to Musk; she asked if the billionaire CEO would want to go to space himself.

Musk replied, saying he would love to fly into space someday, but his goal is to open up space for humanity and set us on a path to becoming a space-faring civilization. Musk has sketched out his grand vision in various interviews and public appearances over the years.

The colonization of Mars is the driving force behind the Starship development, a fully reusable spacecraft that will land on Mars, refuel using the planet’s resources, fly back to Earth, or venture further into space. If the Starship is successful, SpaceX plans to establish a city with million-strong citizens on the red planet by 2050.

This city and its population would be the first step to completely terraforming the planet. Musk has said that the goal of his transportation system to Mars would be to launch every one of SpaceX’s Starship rocket about three times every day on average.

Each rocket will be carrying a 100-ton payload on each flight. With roughly one thousand flights per year and more than 100 tons of cargo for each flight, Musk theorizes that at this rate, 100,000 tons of cargo would be launched into orbit in a year.

To achieve a task of this magnitude, Musk’s dream would need some help. The recent volcanic eruption near Tonga unleashed explosive forces large enough to make the Hiroshima atomic bomb look like a child’s play.

The undersea eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai was so powerful that it sent tsunami waves across the Pacific Ocean. The sound of the eruption was heard some 2,300 kilometers away in New Zealand. During this eruption, thousands of homes were destroyed.

Survivors and people who live in the area have described how this event messed with their minds. In the aftermath of this catastrophe, many parts of the nation were covered in ashes, and communication with other countries was cut because the undersea lines were damaged.

With nothing to eat or drink and some casualties, the Pacific nation has asked countries like India, Australia, and New Zealand for aid. These countries have come forward to help because the need was great. Even drinking water became a scarce commodity.

The prime minister of New Zealand approached Elon Musk on this matter to urgently help Tonga restore its connection to the world after the volcanic eruption severed all the connections. Dr. Shane Reddy wrote a letter to Elon Musk, asking for his support, using his Starlink satellite network technology to help the country.

In response to this letter, Musk replied with a tweet that said, “Could people from Tonga let us know if it is important for SpaceX to send over Starlink terminals?” However, Musk also mentioned that it would be a difficult task.

He stated that the request would be hard to fulfill because he doesn’t have enough satellites with laser links, and Geo satellites already serve the Tonga region. That’s why he kept asking for clear confirmation on where the satellites were needed.

This terrifying incident has alerted humans everywhere. Scientists are probing the eruption to learn and prepare humankind for another disaster of this scale with advanced technologies. According to geologists, catastrophes like these will only increase on earth in the near future.

The Tonga volcanic eruption is just the beginning of possible global extinction. Scientists believe that this volcano could offer valuable clues about the formation of other planets like Mars and Venus. It offers researchers a rare chance to study how water and lava interact.

This is where Elon Musk’s dream of colonizing Mars comes in. Musk wants to build a city on Mars with the help of his SpaceX rockets. From all we have seen and read, it begs the question: is Mars really suitable for humans?

According to recent research, evidence of what may be the youngest eruption seen yet on Mars suggests that the red planet may still be volcanically active. Such behavior has raised the possibility that the red planet was recently habitable.

Most of the volcanism on Mars occurred between 3 and 4 billion years ago. These eruptions left behind giant monuments such as Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system. Scientists have found evidence that Mars may still be volcanically active.

They have seen signs of an eruption that must have happened about 50,000 years ago. Eruptions on Mars are less frequent than on Earth. But, the magnitude of the volcanoes is way larger than those on Earth.

Their eruptive rates are also higher too. Scientists have never gotten to record an active volcano eruption on the surface of Mars. Searches for thermal signatures and surface changes that have been carried out within the last decade have not yielded any positive evidence for the presence of active volcanoes.

These new findings suggest that the warmth from recent volcanic activity could have made the planet more habitable to life. According to researchers, magma rising from the deep underground could melt ice near the surface, providing favorable conditions for microbial life.

Considering these scientific theories, we now know that Mars can be habitable for humans, but how will the billionaire CEO make it habitable? Musk has some ideas for this problem. At SpaceX’s headquarters, two images depict a terraformed Mars before and after.

According to researchers, the current surface temperature on Mars is an average of minus 63 degrees Celsius or minus 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Musk’s genius idea is to somehow heat up the planet’s poles to release stores of frozen carbon dioxide.

This would be achieved with a series of continuous low fallout nuclear fusion explosions acting as an artificial sun. These carbon dioxide stores will be used to create a more habitable atmosphere. This way, humans can walk around on Mars with just a breathing apparatus.

The plan to colonize Mars is a big dream. Many people do not support it, and they think Elon Musk is chasing a pipe dream. But after looking at the recent calamities that have plagued earth, we think it is necessary to think about which planets and stars can be made habitable.

Musk and many others believe that the earth will be destroyed sometime in the future. Some people believe that the end of the earth should spell the end of our species and many others, signaling the end of the world. But Musk, with his plan to make Mars habitable, doesn’t think the destruction of the Earth shouldn’t be the end.


Thanks for reading till the end. Comment what’s your opinion about this information “Elon Musk LAST WARNING: “Tonga Was Just The Beginning!”.

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Information Source: Elon Musk Live

3 thoughts on “Elon Musk LAST WARNING: “Tonga Was Just The Beginning!””

  1. Thank god he taking on the survival of the human race and we now have the time and knowledge to face a real possible end to earth but not the end of humans we can find new planets like earth and AI and our cells we can travel great distances and bring human to new plants and save the spices from extinction unlike the dinosaurs


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