How Spacex Puts Boeing Starliner To Shame

How Spacex Puts Boeing Starliner To Shame: More than a decade ago, SpaceX stood no chance against Boeing, which was at the forefront of the aerospace industry.

Now fast-forward to 2020, Boeing is grappling with Starliner aircraft. But against all odds, SpaceX became the first privately held company to be awarded a contract to send humans into orbit, putting the ever-untouchable Boeing to shame.

How did SpaceX and Elon Musk manage to outshine their opponents against all odds?

As mentioned earlier, Boeing is still a venerable giant with a legacy in airplane and aerospace that spans more than 100 years and a role at every major moment in NASA history.

SpaceX, on the other hand, was ridiculed as little more than a delusional billionaire fantasy and critics said it was building its rockets out of wax and rubber bands in its early days.

No one thought that Elon Musk’s SpaceX would ever beat Boeing in space. Some members of Congress also wondered why NASA would bother awarding contracts to two companies to build capsules to take astronauts to the International Space Station as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program.

They just wanted to let Boeing do the work. After years of hard work and hard work, SpaceX last year won the NASA contract to send astronauts to the International Space Station, beating Boeing in 2020.

The launch of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule with astronauts would not only be the first crewed launch into orbit by a private corporation but would also be a major disturbance in a new kind of space race.

During the Apollo era, NASA was taken to the Moon by the Cold War space race with the Soviet Union, but today, companies are reprising the nations’ roles in competitions that NASA hopes will replace some of the achievements of the previous era. Will help you get it back. Or take it a few steps further.

In public, companies minimize any tension. But competition has increased over the years, especially as SpaceX grew out of a rich man’s folly, with no one taking seriously the disruptor transforming the aerospace industry.

When contracts for the Commercial Crew Program were awarded in 2014, Boeing received the lion’s share, slightly more than 60 percent of the $6.8 billion awarded by NASA, compared to the $2.6 billion SpaceX received for the same work at $4.2 billion.

Boeing still ruled the mind and influenced the decision-makers decision. This was indicated by a reluctance to hand over a company that was more willing and more willing to accept failure than a company that already had decades of experience and received 100% assurance of non-failure. It was only after that that he kept things in motion.

The company has a lot of NASA contracts under its belt, including contributions to the Apollo program, so it’s puzzling to consider how.

Boeing is struggling with the Starliner plane that NASA had contracted to build while SpaceX continues to record success after success. Boeing is moving from one embarrassment to another as it cancels flight after flight. We look back on the spectacular failure of the Starliner for Boeing.

The Starliner journey for Boeing began when it received a pair of contracts from NASA in 2010. The Boeing CST-100 Starliner is a class of two reusable crew capsules expected to carry crew to the International Space Station (ISS).

As of September 2021, Starliner has not flown a crewed mission, facing delay after delay. The diameter of the capsule is 4.56 meters, or 15 feet, which is slightly larger than the Apollo Command Module and SpaceX Dragon 2, and smaller than the Orion capsule.

The Boeing Starliner has a crew of up to seven people and is designed to be able to stay docked at the ISS for seven months with ten mission reusability. It is designed to be compatible with the Atlas V, Delta IV, Falcon 9, and Vulcan Centaur launch vehicles.

This means that NASA wants it to be usable with much wider flexibility and reduce their overall reliance on Boeing.

After several rounds of competitive development contracts within the Commercial Crew Program beginning in 2010, NASA won a US$4.2 billion award in 2014, along with SpaceX Crew Dragon, for the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCTcap) program. Selected Boeing Starliner. As you well know, Boeing lost.

The uncrewed Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test (Boe-OFT) launched with Atlas V N22 in late 2019 and reached orbit but was not entirely successful. Boeing self-funded a second test flight, Boe-OFT 2, which was to be launched in August 2021 but was scrubbed ahead of launch due to valve issues in the propulsion system.

The mission was rescheduled for early 2022. This Starliner program is steeped in Boeing’s past history with NASA and its desire to reach great heights.

Its design draws on Boeing’s experience with NASA’s Apollo, Space Shuttle, and ISS programs, as well as the Orbital Express project sponsored by the Department of Defense. The Starliner will use the NASA Docking System for docking and Boeing will use the Lightweight Ablator for its heat shield.

Starliner’s solar cells will provide more than 2.9 kW of power and will be placed atop a micrometeoroid debris shield located at the bottom of the spacecraft’s service module.

It is designed to be compatible with multiple launch vehicles, including the Atlas V, Delta IV, and Falcon 9, as well as the planned Vulcan Centaur. Unlike earlier United States space capsules and SpaceX’s very own Starship, the Starliner would make an airbag-cushioned landing on land rather than on the water.

There are plans for five landing areas in the western United States, which would provide Starliner with approximately 450 landing opportunities each year. The Starliner includes a space tourist seat, and the Boeing contract with NASA allows Boeing to go into and sell that seat in low Earth orbit.

Boeing received an additional $300 million to cover its expenses to oversee its own project timeline and decided to launch its spacecraft atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, while SpaceX launched its heavy-duty Planned to detonate Crew Dragon with a Falcon 9 booster rocket.

Since that moment Boeing could not compare the progress of its Starliner with the progress SpaceX is making with its Crew Dragon and now Starship.

The comparison is pitiful, even though both the contractors have fallen behind their original schedule for myriad reasons. Boeing’s troubles began even before it was put into orbit when testing the Starliner’s launch orbit engine in June 2019, after a propellant leak pushed back the development of the capsule.

Starliner put it into orbit in December of 2019, nearly a decade after it received the contract.

However, this proved to be a major failure as the Starliner did not reach the ISS due to timing disturbances, causing it to burn fuel prematurely instead of returning to Earth in a short test flight in a post-flight analysis by Boeing. The NASA team discovered more than 80 corrective actions that Boeing had to take.

Corrective actions included integrated testing and simulation procedures and operating software. It took Boeing more than a year to fine-tune all the improvements, including discovering it itself and preparing the Starliner for another flight test, though it would use a new spacecraft.

The second attempt at Starliner, the flight was scheduled to take place before 1 April. However, earlier this year Texas had to suspend a planned flight due to a widespread power outage.

Hard luck and a string of technical problems awaited the Starliner; The uncrewed flight, scheduled for July 30 to verify spacecraft systems, had to be postponed because a week earlier sent the space station into a spin when a newly added Russian module, Naka, inadvertently fired its thrusters.

The Starliner had already piled up on its rocket on the next launch date, but a strong thunderstorm roared through the launch area the day before problems began during the countdown, when 13 valves in the Starliner’s propulsion system failed to open, Which led to the launch. Discontinued due to troubleshooting.

Boeing engineers got nine valves to work but the remaining four are stuck. Starliner’s program director, John Vollmer, commented that if they had been able to free all the valves, the Starliner would have been fit to fly but in the end, it had to be returned to the factory.

Clearly, the Starliner has to grapple with an endless list of problems and issues before it has a chance of a successful flight. We are yet to see whether the planned flight will be completed in 2022.

In addition, it is a question of Boeing’s legitimacy in the aerospace industry and whether or not it can continue in the same capacity. Regardless, we can say with confidence that SpaceX has decisively taken over.

so what do you think? Do you think Boeing can still make a comeback? Or is SpaceX’s victory really over? Tell us what you think in the comments below.


Thanks for reading till the end. Comment what’s your opinion about this information “How Spacex Puts Boeing Starliner To Shame”.

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Information Source: Youtube – Futurephile

3 thoughts on “How Spacex Puts Boeing Starliner To Shame”

  1. If there is any misunderstanding, I must apologize very much. But I took many photos of pilot holes.

  2. 1.) SpaceX is headed by a visionary entrepreneur. Boeing is headed by an investment advisor.

    2.) SpaceX hired intelligent personnel, while Boeing relied on aging experienced personnel.

    3.) SpaceX designed and delivered a real Space Rocket, while Boeing designed but did not even deliver a 1960’s technology capsule.

    4.) SpaceX has innovators, Boeing has ventilators.

    5.) Game over.


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